Friday, March 20, 2009

Rumney Bible Conference, Rumney, NH

We just got back from good ol' Rumney, NH. We played at the same place that Micah, Mike, and I used to go for snow camp when we were in high school. Good times. We were supposed to be up there around 4 for sound check but there was no way that was happening because Micah and John got out of class at 3:10. It took us about 2 and a half hours to get there and we got lost for a little bit like we normally do.

We got up there in time for the first band, Scarlet Fade. We had a good time dancing. Fun music. Their vocals were really good. I guess they were a band of brother/sisters. Kinda like The Von Trapp Family Singers but not as heavy. The three girls did some pretty sweet harmonies.

After them, Talking To Chicago played. They were really cool guys and we got to talk to them for a while before and after the show.

The Vegas Report was after them and they made the rest of us look like jr. high kids mostly because of their stature but also from their musicianship and their demeanor. They did excellently once again. Always fun playing with them. This was the first time they played before us though so that was kind of weird. They were going to do a Beach Boys cover but the sound guy cut them off so they couldn't. I was pretty upset about that. The kind of upset when you're knitting and you prick your finger and bleed all over the yarn so that you have to throw it away and go back to the store to get more yarn as well as band-aids. I've never knit before. I don't know if I've said this before but go buy their EP, Vignettes, on iTunes or Amazon mp3. I actually seriously like it a lot and I would buy it even if they weren't our friends.

I thought our set went pretty well. Other than a couple screw ups, it was good. It didn't help that they made everyone use the same drum set so Micah was a little thrown off. But it was fine. It was a good time and we had fun playing.

After us, a band called A Beautiful Oblivion played. They're good friends with Eve 6 as am I and many others that I know.

Then there were fireworks which was really random but just a wonderful treat. They lasted for only about 20 seconds but they were the best March fireworks I've ever seen. Happy first day of Spring indeed.


Friday, March 6, 2009

We had a pretty sweet time tonight playing at the Living Hope Church of the Nazarene in Danvers, MA. We got there a little early so we played some football and wall ball with the guys in The Vegas Report. Definitely one of the best choices we've made as a band. Then we got pizza and hung out. A band called Ribs played first and we played after them. Our set went pretty well. A few of our friends came out to see us so that was cool. It was hard to hear everything because we were in this enclosed stage but people said the mix was good in the audience so we were happy about that.

After us, a band called Baby Boy H played and then our good friends and label mates on Driven Records, The Vegas Report, went on. Micah and I grew up with Josh, Mike, and Chris from The Vegas Report and have played in different worship teams with them so it's always good to play with them and hang out. It's also helpful that their stuff is amazing so that we don't have to pretend to like their songs just because we're friends. That's awkward. Their set was incredible as always and they played for a good 45 minutes. They are one of my favorite bands and I'm not just saying that. Not many "post-rock" bands can pull off what they do and they're not predictable like so many bands these days are.

After The Vegas Report, Junius played and they were a treat. Their sound is so huge and powerful but also really dark and engaging. They were awesome. They're also good friends with one of our influences, Caspian, so it was cool to open for them. Afterward I got to talk with their guitarist, Mike, for a little bit and he was a cool guy. Hopefully we can play with them some more in the future.

Jared Deame